Pemberdayaan Masyarakat: Sebuah Strategi Memperkecil Kesenjangan di Jawa Timur

Soedjono Abipraja


Pemberdayaan comes from the English word "empowerment. The word power in empowerment
means daya in Indonesia. Empowerment tends to release the hand cuff of poverty and
underdevelopment also to strength the position of society level in authority structure. The effort to
increase society empowerment can be seen from three point of view : creating atmosphere that
may develop society potention, strengthening society position and power also empowering that
contain protection. Society empowerment demands some prerequisite or conditions, are there is
empowerment condition, giving the opportunity that make society become empower, protection in
order lo develop empowering, increasing ability to become more empowering and government
function. The increasing of society capacity and even distribution income marked with the
increasing of poor family that can fulfill their basic and social need, is one of the measuring or
indicators I he success of empowerment programs.

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