Penerapan Konsep EVA sebagai Added Approach dari Analisis Rasio Keuangan untuk Mengukur Kinerja PT Gudang Garam di Kediri
Financial ratio analysis as a measure of company's performance is commonly made a bias lo
investors and stockholders. In order to reduce analysis risk error, EVA is used as added approach
to traditional approach (Financial ratio analysis). In this case, EVA is relevant to measure
management performance, which is based on certain periodic value added. If financial ratio
becomes the only tool in measuring company's performance, it appears to be a good
performance, but actually there is neither increase nor decrease.
investors and stockholders. In order to reduce analysis risk error, EVA is used as added approach
to traditional approach (Financial ratio analysis). In this case, EVA is relevant to measure
management performance, which is based on certain periodic value added. If financial ratio
becomes the only tool in measuring company's performance, it appears to be a good
performance, but actually there is neither increase nor decrease.