Pengaruh Lingkungan Bisnis, Strategi Operasi, dan Teknologi sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi terhadap Kinerja Operasional Perusahaan: Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia

Lina Anatan


Expanding global competition, rapidly changing market and technology, increasing
complexity and uncertainty are creating new competitive environment where manufacturing firm
must adopt and implement sophisticated operational strategy, technology, and imprwemenl
techniques f they want to stoy competitive. To be successful in this globally competitive and
rapidly changing environment, organization must formulate strategic plan that are consistent with
their investment in and use of technology and consider environment lask as precursor variable
that causally related to stralegic c'hoice. This research was conducted to irwestigate the
relationship amongsl business envit'onmenl, operational slrqleg/, and .firm pedormance of
manufacturing.firms in Indonesia. This study also investigotes the moderaling role of technologt
(both hard and soft technologXt) on the strategt and perfurmance relalionship. Data are collected
through mailed questionnsire (525 questionnqires) and direct suruey to 25 tirms. The total
questionnaires are sent to 550 CEOs manufacturing firm in Indonesia. A hundred and six
responses are returned yielding response rate 19.27ok.

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