Influence of Experiental Attitude to Recommendation Intention Through Experiental Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention on Air Asia Airlines Customer at Surabaya

Adrian Hartono D.


Experiential attitude is defined as the positive or negative behavioral tendencies of the consumers of
perceived experiences arising during consumption processes. Experiential satisfaction in this research is the
broader concept of satisfaction services, exploration services and influence consumer satisfaction in certain
circumstances. Repurchase intention is the willingness of consumers to maintain a relationship of transactions
with service providers after the experience of consumption. Intention is the willingness of consumer
Recommendation to recommend other people to deal with service providers after the experience of consumption.
The research aims to know the influence of experiential attitude and experiential satisfaction of repurchase
intention and the intention of recommendation on Air Asia flight service in Surabaya.
In this study used is the conclusive research on the study of experimental or causal research. Samplingtaking
techniques used are non probability sampling. The type of method used is the purposive sampling. The
sample used was 200 consumers Air Asia in Surabaya. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The
technique used is the analysis of structural equation modeling with Lisrel program assistance. The results of
this analysis indicate that the experiential attitude affect directly to the experiential satisfaction. and an indirect
effect of recommendation intention. In addition, the study found that the direct effect of experiential satisfaction
repurchase intention and recommendation intention, as well as contributing indirectly to the intention to
repurchase intention recommendation as a mediator. Eventually repurchase intention was found to also have
influence on the recommendation intention

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