The objective of this study is to ascertain the potential for purchase among individuals in Surabaya who exhibit a proclivity for hygiene. By examining the influence of health consciousness and personal attitude on the purchase intention of potential hygiene consumers in Surabaya, researchers can determine strategies to increase the interest of Surabaya residents and boost sales of hygiene products. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated a shift in lifestyle, with individuals previously exhibiting low health awareness. Following the pandemic, there has been a notable increase in awareness and consciousness of health issues, with many individuals adopting healthier lifestyles by consuming nutritious foods and drinks. Hygge is a start-up business in Surabaya. This business was established to address the issue of insomnia, which affects a significant proportion of the population, particularly those in the productive age bracket. The research method employed in this study is quantitative research conducted in Surabaya with a sample size of 126 respondents. The thesis research process and data collection were conducted between September 2023 and February 2024. The sampling technique utilized was purposive sampling, and the data collection technique involved the administration of an online questionnaire based on a Likert scale. The data analysis technique employed was multiple linear regression using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The object under study is potential Hygge customers in Surabaya. The results of multiple linear regression analysis indicate that personal attitude variables exert a positive and significant influence on purchase intention. In contrast, health consciousness variables do not demonstrate a positive and significant effect on purchase intention.
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