The Relationship Between Breastfeeding Patterns And Incidence Of Diarrhea In Children Aged 7–23 Months
Filipus Michael Yofrido, Hanung Aryana, Jessica Hoetama Jaya, Rachmat Ageng Prastowo, Rynda Kirana Satwikaputri, Pirlina Umiastuti, Indawan Setyono Hadi
Breastmilk is the main source of nutrition for infants, giving protection through its immunity properties. Indonesian Ministry of Health targeted 80% coverage 6-months-exclusive-breastfeeding. However, it is very difficult to achieve, even the prevalence of exclusive-breastfeeding trends to decline from year to year. In Baturetno Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency, exclusive-breast feeding proportion is 59%. This research is aimed to analyze the relationship between breastfeeding patterns and incidence of diarrhea in children aged 7-23 months. Method: This was analytic-observational study with cross-sectional design. Sixty children aged 7 – 23 months were randomly included. 32 children (53%) were male. Their parent were interviewed based on questionaire about their breastfeeding patterns and last two weeks incidence of diarrhea. Results: The proportion of exclusive breastfeeding was 58.33% and the incidence of diarrhea in last 2 weeks was 31.67%. Chi-Square test result illustrates there was association between breastfeeding patterns and incidence of diarrhea (p=0.004, PR 0.33, 95%CI 0.145-0.748). Based on contingency coefficient, a strong relationship between breastfeeding patterns and the incidence of diarrhea in the last 2 weeks was 0.347 (moderate). Conclusion: There was relationship between breastfeeding patterns and incidence of diarrhea in children aged 7-23 months. Exclusive-breastfeeding children have 67% lower incidence of diarrhea.
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Diarrhea, exclusive breastfeeding, immunity properties
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