Simulation of the effect of regenerator porosity on the performance of zero centrigade thermoacoustic cooler generated by the single-stage thermoacoustic machine for sustainable refrigeration.
Refrigeration systems are an essentialneed in everyday life. There are lots of modern industry that uses refrigerator for helps maintain temperature stability from overheating and prevents the product from drying out protected from dirt and insect attacks. However, the refrigerationsystemused in industry still uses a refrigeration system vapor compression and using chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerant and hydro-chlorofluorocarbons(HCFCs) which are harmful to the environment. Therefore, it requires thermoacoustic cooling generated by the engine single-stage thermoacoustic. This research was conducted numerically. In this research, the effects are simulated stack porosity on the performance of thermoacoustic cooling generated by a single-stage thermoacoustic machineat 0C.the porosity was variedfrom0.37 to0.97.It was found that the stack porosity was optimalwhen the porosity is 0.97 and the performance of the cooler is 52 %.Moreover, the lowest heating temperature for the thermoacoustic machine is 217C. This temperature can be used for waste heat recovery.
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