Katarina Shinta Dwi Cahyani, Ninuk Muljani, Robertus Sigit Haribowo Lukito


Currently, transportation companies have taken advantage of technology by creating online transportation applications to market their business, so the competition in this business is tight. One of the online Transportation known to the people of Surabaya is Gojek. To win the competition, of course, Gojek tries to make its customers loyal. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of customer satisfaction as a mediator of the influence of brand image, service quality and perceived value on brand loyalty. The sample used is 150 respondents, at least 17 years old, domiciled in Surabaya and in the last 2 months have used Gojek at least 3 times. The analysis technique uses smartpls 3.0. The results of the study prove that brand image, service quality and perceived value have a significant influence on customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction has a significant influence on brand loyalty. Customer satisfaction significantly mediates the effect of brand image and perceived value on brand loyalty. Service quality mediated by customer satisfaction has no effect on brand loyalty. The research implication is that the customer's impression of Gojek in Surabaya is positive and the perceived value is also quite good, but the quality of service through satisfaction has not been able to make customers loyal. Therefore, Gojek must further improve the quality of service according to customer needs, so that customers are more satisfied and loyal. Thus, there will be more and more loyal Gojek transportation users, so Gojek will rank the highest as an online transportation facility in Surabaya, and Gojek partners will be more prosperous.


Brand Image; Service Quality; Perceived Value; Customer Satisfaction; Brand Loyalty

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