Tabytha Prima Gabriella, Lena Ellitan, Maria Mia Kristanti


The purpose of this study was to analyze and examine the effect of social media marketing, and e-wom on purchasing decisions through brand awareness as a mediation at the Promise Jiwa Coffee Shop in Surabaya. This research was written by Ansari, et al (2019), Diansyah & Nurmalasari (2017), and Upadana & Pramadana (2019) which analyzes the influence of social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, and brand awareness on purchasing decisions as the basis of this research. This study took 150 respondents as a permanent sample of the Promise Jiwa Coffee Shop in Surabaya.
The measuring instrument of this research is a questionnaire. The data were obtained and processed by using Partial Least Square analysis technique with SmartPLS 3.0 program. The results of this study prove that social media marketing has a positive and significant influence on brand awareness, electronic word of mouth has a positive and significant influence on brand awareness, social media marketing has a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions electronic word of mouth has a positive influence but not significant to purchase decision, social media marketing has a positive but not significant effect through brand awareness and electronic word of mouth has a positive but not significant effect on purchase decision through brand awareness.


Social Media Marketing, Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Awarreness, Keputusan Pembelian


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