Along with the times and the passage of time, now there are many businesses from various business fields that are developing, both in the fields of entertainment, culinary, transportation services and others, ranging from small-scale to large-scale businesses. Modernization is one of the factors that cause change. The current phenomenon, people have a desire to be able to meet their needs better and faster. One of them is the need for faster and more secure delivery and receipt of goods and documents. Companies that want to be superior to other companies and want customers to come back to buy products or services, of course, must have a good corporate image and provide the best quality service as well. The J&T Express company is one of the first shipping service companies to be included in the unicorn in Indonesia. In order for the business to be successful and able to face competition, the J&T Express delivery service company must also build a corporate image and provide quality service that satisfies its customers, so that in the end customers become loyal to the company. The purpose of this study was to determine whether company image and service quality affect customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. In this study, the population used were customers of J&T Express delivery services in the city of Surabaya, with a sample size of 200 respondents. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique, with the criteria that the respondents were at least 17 years old and had used the J&T Express delivery service at least 2 times in the last month. The data analysis technique used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the LISREL program. The results showed that company image and customer satisfaction directly had a significant effect on brand loyalty. company image has no direct effect on customer satisfaction, and does not affect brand loyalty through customer satisfaction. Service quality directly has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and has a significant effect on brand loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction, but does not directly affect brand loyalty.
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