Jovita Ardelia, Veronika Rahmawati, Santho Vlennery Mettan


The Increasing competition in the business world, companies are required to be able to improve their quality so that consumers have the desire to buy their products. Factor Price and Product Quality influence in maximizing consumer Purchase Intentions in purchasing certain products. Many companies are starting to understand that pricing and improving product quality are important issues to increase consumer willingness to buy these products. This research was conducted to find out whether Price and Product Quality can affect Purchase Intentions of consumers of The Historica. This study used 155 respondents whose data were obtained from questionnaires distributed online via the Google form. The data was then processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). SPSS processing results show that Price and Product Quality have a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intentions. Through this research, it is hoped that The Historica will be able to maintain affordable prices and also continue to improve the quality of its products so that consumers can increase their consumer buying intentions.


Price, Product Quality, and Perceived Quality


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