Jashon Juan Hadi Citro, Julius Runtu, Marliana Junaedi


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of effort expectancy, perceived usefulness, information quality, perceived risk, social influence, and trust on repurchase intention in the Shopee Food application. This study uses causal research. Purposive sampling was used as a mean of non-probability sampling technique. The sample used was 156 respondents who had experience in making online food purchase transactions through the Shopee Food application more than 1 time. The data analysis technique used is SPSS. The results of this study indicate that effort expectancy, social influence, and trust have a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention; perceived risk has a negative and significant effect on repurchase intention; and perceived usefulness and information quality have no effect on repurchase intention

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effort expectancy, perceived usefulness, information quality, social influence

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