Caleb Jordan Edsen Manullang, Elisabeth Supriharyanti, Gesti Memarista


Coffee has long been a popular beverage around the world. This is also the primary reason for business owners to create a coffee shop, as it is easy to find coffee enthusiasts. The competition in the coffee shop business is becoming more intense as time passes, as seen by the ease with which coffee shops are everywhere, particularly in the big city and small city. These coffee businesses fight to attract customers and foster high repurchase intentions among their customers. The independent variables are self-image congruity, customer-perceived service quality, and contentment. The selected independent variables are self-image congruity, customer-perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. This study focuses on Neira Coffee, a coffee shop with numerous outlets throughout Indonesia. The data were gathered by distributing questionnaires, resulting in 154 samples of Neira Coffee Surabaya consumers aged 18 and up who live in Surabaya.The results showed that self-image congruity and customer-perceived service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, self-image congruity and customer satisfaction had a significant effect on repurchase intention, while customer-perceived service quality had no significant effect on repurchase intention. It was also found that customer satisfaction was able to mediate the effect of self image congruity and customer perceived service quality on repurchase intention. Thus, self image congruity and customer perceived service quality have a significant effect on repurchase intention for Neira Coffee Surabaya consumers through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable.


Repurchase Intention; Self Image Congruity; Customer Perceived Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction

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