Anxiety Levels Of Primipara Mother With The Length Of Labor Progress In The First Active Phases At Community Health Centre Mataram City

Nirwana Mila, Benedictus TR Prabantoro, Inge Wattimena


Introduction: According to data from the Department of Health (2018) , infant mortality rate
(IMR) in the first semester was as many as 10.294 cases, and the maternal mortality rate
(MMR) in the first semester was as many as 1712 cases. Continuity and Duration of labor are
essential factors in determining the number of IMR and MMR. Several factors affecting labor
duration are power, passenger, passage, and maternity mother psychological.
Purpose: To understand the correlation between primipara mothers' anxiety levels with the
length of labor progress in the first active phases.
Method: This research used observational analytic method with a cross-sectional design and
a purposive sampling technique. The research period was two months, with total respondents
were 40 people. Statistical analysis was done using Spearman rank correlation test.
Results: 40 pregnant primipara mothers underwent labor at Mataram City Community
Health Centre in June - August 2019. We found about four respondents have heavy levels of
anxiety, in which all of them had no progress in delivery labor. Based on the statistical tests
using the spearman rank, there is a strong, positive (? = 0.714) and significant correlation (P =
0,000) between anxiety level of primipara mothers with the length of labor progress in the
first active phase.
Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between primipara mother anxiety levels with
the period length of labor progress in the early active phases at Babakan community health
center Mataram City. Researchers have shown that the higher the anxiety level, the longer the
labor progress, and vice versa. This result must be explored further because of anxiety that
affects mothers' condition during labor and affects uterine contractions and cervical dilatation
that determine the smooth labor process.


Anxiety; the active phase of first-stage labor; primipara

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