Ni MDS Hayati, Dewa AL Dewi, Chrisdina P Sari


Introduction: Cholesterol is a fat found in our body, it can be dangerous if cholesterol level is increasing. The way to lower cholesterol levels, such as by consuming high-fiber foods for example red guava.

Purpose: To determine the difference in total cholesterol levels in rats after giving red guava juice.

Method: The research was conducted using 30 Rattus Norvegicus. Rats were divided into three groups, each group consisted of 10 rats. Control group was given 594 chicken feed, first treatment group was given lard and second treatment group was given lard with red guava juice. Before being given treatment, five rats from each group were examined for their total cholesterol and the remaining five rats were given treatment for 14 days before total cholesterol were checked.  Examination of total cholesterol by enzymatic colorimetry CHOD-PAP using blood from orbital vein of rats without fasting.

Result: There were significant differences in total cholesterol of rats before and after treatment (P<0.05) in each treatment group. In comparison of three groups that had given treatment, significant difference was found (P=0.005). Significant differences were also found in comparison of two groups, between first treatment group and second treatment group (P = 0.004), insignificant results were found in comparison of control group with first treatment group (P = 0.060), and comparison of control group with second treatment group.  (P=0.299).

Conclusion: There are differences in total cholesterol of rats, total cholesterol of rats in high-fat diet group with guava juice were lower than the high-fat diet group.

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Red Guava; Total Cholesterol

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