Hubungan Antara Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Harga Diri Remaja Disabilitas Fisik (Tunadaksa) Di Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat (YPAC) Malang (Correlation Between Family Supports Dan Self Esteem On Teenagers With Physical Disability In Foundation For Tee
Pendahuluan: Remaja yang mengalami disabilitas secara fisik akan mengalami permasalahan pada aspek harga diri ketika tidak mendapatkan dukungan yang optimal dari keluarga. Harga diri merupakan salah satu aspek pada konsep diri yang cukup penting bagi remaja. Hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan fisik maupun mental. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan tingkat harga diri pada remaja dengan disabilitas fisik (tunadaksa) di Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat (YPAC) Malang. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik observasional dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan total sampling yakni sebanyak 22 remaja disabilitas fisik. Tingkat harga diri menggunakan Rosenbergs self-esteem scale dan dukungan keluarga yang menggunakan kuisoner penelitian. Hasil: Hasil uji statistik menggunakan spearmen yaitu diperoleh nilai p = 0,030 dimana kurang dari 0,05 sedangkan nilai koefisien korelasi didapatkan (r) = 0,462. Pembasahan: Dukungan keluarga memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan aspek harga diri pada remaja disabilitas fisik yang berada di Yayasan Penyandang Anak Cacat. Remaja dengan disabilitas fisik yang sebagian besar tinggal sehari-hari di rumah ini mendapat dukungan yang optimal dari keluarga terutama berupa dukungan emosional. Kesimpulan: Adanya arah hubungan pada kedua variabel tersebut yaitu positif. Semakin tinggi dukungan keluarga maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat harga diri remaja dengan disabilitas fisik di YPAC Kota Malang. Disarankan pada keluarga remaja disabilitas fisik untuk tetap memberikan dukungan keluarga yang optimal.
Kata kunci: Dukungan keluarga, harga diri, remaja, disabilitas fisik
Introduction: Teenagers who experience physical disability will face problems related to self-esteem when there is no optimum supports from their family. Self-esteem as a part of elf concepts become the most important aspect for teenagers. It influences both physical and mental health. The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between family supports and self-esteem on teenagers with physically disability. Method: This research used observational analytic design with cross sectional approach method.The study population used the total sampling as many as 22 teenagers with physical disability.The level of self-esteem used Rosenberg's self-esteem scale and the family support who used research questionnaire. Result: The result of statistical test results used spearmen that is obtained p value = 0,030 which is less than 0.05, while the correlation coefficient value obtained (r) = 0,462. Discussion: family supports have a strong correlation with self esteem on teenagers with physycal disability who live in their home with their family. Mostly, teenagers with physycal disability have an optimum family supports from their family, especially emotional support. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is correlation between family supports with level of self-esteem on physically disabled Teenagers in YPAC Malang. The higher the support of famil, the higher of self-esteem level on teenagers with physycal disability in YPAC Malang. It is suggested to families of physical disability teenager to keep providing optimum family support.
Kata kunci: Dukungan keluarga, harga diri, remaja, disabilitas fisik
Introduction: Teenagers who experience physical disability will face problems related to self-esteem when there is no optimum supports from their family. Self-esteem as a part of elf concepts become the most important aspect for teenagers. It influences both physical and mental health. The purpose of this study is to know the correlation between family supports and self-esteem on teenagers with physically disability. Method: This research used observational analytic design with cross sectional approach method.The study population used the total sampling as many as 22 teenagers with physical disability.The level of self-esteem used Rosenberg's self-esteem scale and the family support who used research questionnaire. Result: The result of statistical test results used spearmen that is obtained p value = 0,030 which is less than 0.05, while the correlation coefficient value obtained (r) = 0,462. Discussion: family supports have a strong correlation with self esteem on teenagers with physycal disability who live in their home with their family. Mostly, teenagers with physycal disability have an optimum family supports from their family, especially emotional support. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is correlation between family supports with level of self-esteem on physically disabled Teenagers in YPAC Malang. The higher the support of famil, the higher of self-esteem level on teenagers with physycal disability in YPAC Malang. It is suggested to families of physical disability teenager to keep providing optimum family support.
Family support; self-esteem; teenager; physical disability
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