Determinan Sikap Ibu Dalam Pemberian Imunisasi Booster DPT

Maria Manungkalit, Made Indra Ayu Astarini, Yolla Febiola


After the child has received basic immunization, parents need to carry out further booster immunization so that family health can be improved. Booster is one way to increase the immune system from several diseases, especially in adolescents whose immune systems have decreased. One of the recommended boosters is DPT. The purpose of this study is to determine the attitude of mothers in giving DPT booster immunization to adolescents. The research design used correlational with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers who have teenage children aged 10-18 years in RW 10, Manukan Kulon Village, Surabaya, while the samples taken from RT 5 and RT 7 were 41 people with a sampling technique using one cluster random sampling 25%. The instrument uses a questionnaire that has been tested for validity by the researcher. The results showed that the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects significantly affected the mother's attitude (p<0.05). Cognitive is the strongest determinant of mother's attitude that affects 49.9% of the variance of the mother's attitude value. Followed by behavioral aspects that affect 41.7% of the variance of the mother's attitude value. The emotional aspect is proven to be the weakest determinant of mother's attitude with a large influence of 25.6%. Mother's attitude is one of the benchmarks in making decisions to give booster immunization to their children. Cognitive (knowledge), behavior, and emotional aspects are supporting factors that can influence the decision.

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