Vincent Leonard Wijaya, Ninuk Muljani, Yulius Koesworo


The development of technology and information today, makes internet and social media users in Indonesia experience rapid growth. This development is also because the percentage of the millennial generation in Indonesia is the largest. In carrying out their lives, this millennial generation has a strong attachment to technology, especially smartphones and social media, and tends to share experiences on social media. This phenomenon has changed the way the company promotes in various business fields, including the tourism sector, which has been carried out by Traveloka. The purpose of this study is to analyze electric word of mouth (e-WOM) and brand awareness in influencing brand image and purchase intention at Traveloka for millennials in Surabaya. The object of this research is the millennial generation of Traveloka application users with a sample size of 215 respondents. A non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling approach was used in taking research samples. Data was collected using a questionnaire and the data obtained were processed using SPSS 22 and Smart PLS 3.0. The results of this study prove that e-WOM and brand awareness affect brand image positively and significantly; e-WOM, brand awareness and brand image affect purchase intention positively and significantly.



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Millennial generation; e-WOM; brand awareness; brand image; purchase intention


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