Eliane Yosefina Ratag, Antonius Jan Wellyantony Putro, Gesti Memarista


The study aims to analyse the impact of instagram as social media advertising and customer experience purchase with customer trust as a remarkable intering variables of skincare innisfree products in the surabaya city. Today, with more and more technology now emerging, it is easy to make ends meet. The Internet is, in a sense, information that reaches all over the world and on the Internet are also featured some advertisements. The number of samples used in this study was 179 respondents using an impressive. sampling technique. The characteristics of the respondents in the study are those who have seen innisfree ads on social media such as instagram, those of teen women with age of 17-35, and those of surabaya. The data used in the study is by using primary data that is by making the distribution of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is for modeling modeling with smartpls3 software. Research shows that customer experience has no significant impact on customer trust, customer experience has significant impact on purchase intention, customer trust have no significant impact on purchase intention, social media advertising significant impact on customer trust, social media advertising significant impact on purchase intention, social media advertising towards customer trust on purchase intention have no significant impact and customer experience towards customer trust on purchase intention have no significant impact.


Social Media Advertising Customer Experience Customer Trust Purchase Intention


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