Sonny Anggoro Sulaksono, Tuty Lindawati


Creativity at work is the most important factor for employees in facing business competition. Leaders have a role in developing creativity and encouraging employee motivation. This study aims to analyses the effect of transformation leadership and entrepreneurial leadership through intrinsic motivation on employee creativity in MSME employees in East Surabaya. The research method used is SEM PLS 4.0 with non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling technique. Data samples collected was 161 respondents with criteria men and women with a range of ages 24-60 years, with a minimum education of junior high school and working as MSME employees in the food and beverage sector with a minimum work experience of 6 months. The results of the study are the first hypothesis shows transformational leadership affects intrinsic motivation, so the first hypothesis is accepted and the second hypothesis shows entrepreneurial leadership has no effect on intrinsic motivation, so the second hypothesis is rejected. The third hypothesis shows transformational leadership affects employee creativity, so the third hypothesis is accepted, and the fourth hypothesis shows entrepreneurial leadership has no effect on employee creativity, so the fourth hypothesis is rejected. The fifth hypothesis shows intrinsic motivation affects employee creativity, so the fifth hypothesis is accepted, then the sixth hypothesis shows transformational leadership affects employee creativity through intrinsic motivation, so the sixth hypothesis is accepted, and the seventh hypothesis shows entrepreneurial leadership has no effect on employee creativity through intrinsic motivation, so the seventh hypothesis is rejected.


transformational leadership; entrepreneurial leadership; intrinsic motivation; employee creativity



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