Correlation Between Body Mass Index With The Incidence Of Preeclampsia
Methods: This research used an observational analytic cross-sectional design. The sample used was 46 data from mother with preeclampsia and 46 from mother with normal pregnancy. The data used were secondary data from X hospital on January 2014 until December 2015, selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data analysed using Spearman test.
Result: Preeclampsia was significantly correlated to high body mass index (p=0,000, correlation coefficient is 0,632), where 58.7% of obese mothers, 28.26% of overweight mothers were diagnosed with preeclampsia, while only 8.7% of normal weight mothers, and 4.34% of underweight mothers had preeclampsia.
Conclusion: The results showed that there was a significant correlation between Body Mass Index and preeclampsia , suggesting that mothers with high body mass index were at a higher risk of preeclampsia
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