The Effectiveness Of Saline Nasal Spray Therapy On Changes In Nasal Mucociliary Transport Time In Patient With Allergic Rhinitis

I Komang A Subagiarta, Wiyono Hadi, Endang Isbandiati


Introduction: Treatment for allergic rhinitis as a disease that can impact on the quality of life, work productivity, school performance, and disturbances in the physiological function of the nose with recurring symptoms need more effective treatment. Nasal wash solution with isotonic saline in nasal spray method (Saline Nasal Spray) is known to reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis by clearing secretions, reduces edema, and remove harmful ingredients that go along with breathing air. The purpose of this study ledge used for the effectiveness of Saline Nasal Spray to changes in nasal mucociliary transport time patients with allergic rhinitis. Methods: Experimental research of pre-post test with control group design. Mucociliary transport time was measured using the saccharine test 20 samples in the group treated with saline nasal spray treatment and 20 samples in the control group without saline nasal spray. Result: Based on the analysis, Mann-Whitney for the treatment group and the control group obtained significant results p = 0.000 (p <0.05), which indicates that there are significant differences in nasal mucociliary transport time after treatment for seven days. The use of saline nasal spray as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis were able to improve nasal mucociliary clearance time is faster than just treatment with standard therapy. Mean of mucociliary transport time before treatment in the treatment group was 10.57 (SD ±4,69) minutes and 9.05 (SD ±4,36) minutes in the control group. Mean of mucociliary transport time after seven days of therapy in the treatment group was 6.22 (SD ±3,53) minutes and the control group was 6.42 (SD ±3,94) minutes. The mean improvement of mucociliary transport time obtained in the treatment group was 4.53 (SD ± 1,51) minutes and the control group was 3.00 (SD ± 1,54) minute. Conslusion: Adjunctive therapy with saline nasal spray in patients with allergic rhinitis has a better effect on the measurement of mucociliary transport time than without the use of saline nasal spray.

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