Age Group With Severity Scales And Functional Status Carpal Tunnel Syndrome On Elderly At Nursing Home Santo Yosef Surabaya
Aim: The aim of this research is to know if theres a correlation between age group and carpal tunnel syndrome symptom on elderly at nursing home Santo Yosef Surabaya.
Methods: This research use observational study with analytic design and the method thats used in this research is cross sectional. Analysis in this research will be using spearman correlation test to know the correlation between variables. The population in this research is 154 elderly at the senior home facility Santo Yosef Surabaya. There is 70 elderly for this
research sample.
Results: From the analytic result, it has been found that the symptom severity (SSS) and age group and functional status (FSS) and age group is significant with the p score of p =0.0017 and p= 0.049 respectively, from the data thats acquired from the result of spearman test it can be also concluded that from the coefficient correlation score of r=0.284 theres a weak correlation between severity symptom (SSS) and age group, the correlation score of r=0.236 from the functional status (FSS) and age group indicate that it also have a weak correlation power.
Conclusion: In conclusion, there was a significant correlation between age group and severity symptom in CTS (SSS). There is a significant correlation between age group and functional status in CTS (FSS).
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