Difference Of Weight And Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Level Of Rattus Norvegicus On Mediterranean Diet And Unsaturated Ketogenic Diet

Ricky S Tanuy, Dewa AL Dewi, Mulya Dinata


Introduction: Sedentary lifestyle continues to develop, which causes problems such as
obesity and coronary heart disease. This is caused by an increase in body weight and LDL
levels that can be overcame with a Mediterranean diet or an unsaturated ketogenic diet.
Purpose: To analyze the difference in weight and LDL of Rattus norvegicus on the
unsaturated ketogenic diet and the Mediterranean diet
Method: this study was an experimental study on 30 Rattus norvegicus divided into three
groups (control, unsaturated ketogenic, and Mediterranean), each group is divided into two,
according to the time of administration (two weeks and four weeks). After the intervention
was completed, bodyweight was calculated, and LDL levels were checked. Then, the data was
analyzed with one-way ANOVA test.
Results: The test results show p < 0.001 in the comparison between the three groups and p
<0.05 for comparison in the unsaturated ketogenic group. The Mediterranean diet shows p>
0.05, and the control diet leads p> 0.05. The data show that rapid weight loss (2 weeks) and
reduction in LDL (in 4 weeks) in the unsaturated ketogenic diet is better than the
Mediterranean diet or control. For medium-term weight loss (4 weeks), the Mediterranean
diet is better than the neither saturated ketogenic diet nor control.
Conclusion: There is a difference in weight and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level of
Rattus norvegicus on the Mediterranean diet and unsaturated ketogenic diet. This favorable
condition might minimize the probability risk of obesity and coronary heart disease.


Weight; LDL; Rattus norvegicus; mediterranean diet; unsaturated ketogenic diet.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33508/jwmj.v3i1.3004


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