Introduction: The incidence of acute and chronic injuries increases every year. Most injuries
in the world population, as many as 48%, are caused by trauma or surgery. the highest
incidence of wounds in the world based on the etiology was from surgery, which was 110.30
million cases. One of the handlings of wounds on the skin can be done by giving herbal
medicines, which can be easily accessed by the public, such as binahong leaves and papaya
Purpose: To analyze the effectiveness of giving 40% binahong leaf extract cream and 40%
papaya leaf extract cream on the wound distance in the white rat wound healing process.
Method: this study is an experimental study with post-test only control group design
approach. The sampling technique used in this study was a random sampling method where
the number of samples was calculated using the Federer formula, with a total sample of 28
white rats. The distance of the wound was measured using a micrometer.
Results: Twenty-eight wound distance on rats were measured as subjects of the study and
then treated with binahong leaf extract cream and papaya leaf extract cream, then the wound
distance of each treatment was measured using a micrometer. According to the results, 40%
binahong leaf extract cream and 40% papaya leaf extract cream showed better effectiveness
in reducing the wound distance of white rat incision than the negative control group (cream
base) and positive control group (gentamicin ointment). According to the Mann Whitney test
comparing the P1 group (40% binahong leaf extract cream) and P2 (40% papaya leaf extract
cream), p-value >0.05, which is 0.543, which means that P1 has no significant mean
difference with P2.
Conclusion: There was no significant difference in effectiveness between the treatment of
40% binahong leaf extract cream and 40% papaya leaf extract cream.
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