Julius Jose Christofan, Yosef Gerardo Harto Pramono


Speaking is one of the language skills that students, particularly English department students, should develop. In order to master the act of speaking English, students should have a strategy that they can implement. This study explores how students improve their speaking performance while learning English. More particularly, this study explored the strategies students use to develop their speaking performance. A narrative inquiry was employed in this study. Three excelled students in the English department of a private university in Surabaya participated in this study. The results of this study showed various strategies that students used to improve their speaking performance. They included direct strategies consisting of memory, cognitive, and compensation, and indirect strategies consisting of metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. Among these strategies, the compensation strategy was the least used, and the affective strategy was used in all kinds of situations by students who excelled in their speaking performance

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speaking; learning strategies; narrative inquiry

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