Aqnes Dominiq, Antonius Yuniarto, Lena Ellitan


One of the rapidly growing business ventures in the era of globalization is the cafe. This can be seen in the number of cafes that have sprung up in the Surabaya city area. Not a few of the cafe's presence has brought different concepts to attract visitors, which vary from the design of the cafe's interior, or the products they offer, whether it's in the form of food or drinks. One of the businesses that is currently developing and has an interesting concept is the “Kafe Kopi Janji Jiwa”. “Kafe Kopi Janji Jiwa” is one of the coffee shops that are in great demand by people from young to adults. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of experiential marketing and service quality on customer satisfication and repurchase intention at the “Kafe Kopi Janji Jiwa”.

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Experiential Marketing; Service Quality; Customer Stisfication; Repurchase Intention


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