Online retailing provides a number of conveniences for consumers with quick and easy access. This encourages consumers to do impluse buying. Impluse buying is also influenced by factors from consumers themselves such as mood. Pre-purchase mood when consumers want to buy products then consumers will collect information in order to make the right decision. Consumers collect a variety of information ranging from product brands, product variations, product quality, and replacement products. Post purchase mood after making a purchase of consumer products will feel a feeling of pleasure or disappointment when the consumer feels happy then the consumer will do the purchase again or vice versa when the consumer feels disappointed customer will give criticism to the product. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of pre-purchase mood on satisfaction, post purchase mood and impulse buying on Tokopedia online store.
The population used in this study is Tokopedia consumers. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling with the condition that you have shopped at Tokopedia for at least the last 1 month and are over 18 years old. The number of samples studied as many as 160 consumers. Variables in this study are pre-purchase mood as exogenous variables as well as impulse buying, satisfaction and post-purchase mood as endogenous variables. Furthermore, the authors processed the data from the study using Lisrel 8.80 to obtain significant conclusions based on the results of the study.
Based on the hypothesis that has been calculated, the results of this research are: First, pre-purchase mood against impulse buying in Tokopedia consumers in Surabaya was found to be positive and significant. Second, pre-purchase mood on satisfaction in Tokopedia consumers in Surabaya was found to be positive and significant. Third, pre-purchase mood to post-purchase mood in Tokopedia consumers in Surabaya was found to be positive and significant. Lastly, pre-purchase mood towards post-purchase mood through satisfaction in Tokopedia consumers in Surabaya was found to be positive and significant
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