Learning loss in English among the 9th Graders during the Emergency Remote Teaching

Ayuana Purwaningsih, Anita Lie


This cross-sectional study aims to investigate a possible learning loss among 9th grade students in the English language learning by comparing pre-pandemic and during pandemic samples and to discover its correlation with a-year implementation of emergency remote teaching/learning. During the Covid-19 pandemic, school closures have restricted regular learning activities and changed into learning from individual homes revealing a learning disparity. Limited access to digital infrastructure and parents inexperience in supporting childrens learning particularly in the lower socio-economic class hamper the students academic achievement. There have been concerns about possible learning loss. Therefore, it is urgent to investigate the possible learning loss among 9 graders in the English classrooms during the emergency remote teaching. A quantitative study with a survey research design was applied. The data were obtained by implementing the 2019 English National Examination and a questionnaire. Eighty-one 9th grade students of a state school and seventeen of a private school in Indonesia participated in this study. The data were analyzed using SPSS to reveal the comparison and correlation. The findings reveal a significant decrease in the obtained exam scores of the current subjects indicating a learning loss in the state and private school. It shows a correlation between students autonomous learning and learning barriers with learning loss


Emergency Remote Teaching; English Language Learning; Learning Loss; Ninth Graders

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33508/bw.v12i1.5287

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