A Narrative Study of Five Indonesian EFL Teachers Beliefs on Teaching

Listyani Listyani, Daniel Kurniawan, Irma Amy Picauly, Josephine Ilona Januardi, Natalia Christy Emy Lokollo, Nathasa Gracia Paramitha, Martha Budianto


Teachers beliefs are interesting to discuss. They are closely related to teachers professional growth and development. Teachers perspectives also affect the way teachers teach, deliver materials, and strive to make their students understand what they are conveying. This study examines five Indonesian EFL teachers views about teaching English. This study was guided by one central question: What are the main beliefs of five Indonesian EFL lecturers about teaching? Data was derived from five English teachers teaching at different educational levels and collected through personal interviews with the five teachers. The data collection was done in May 2023. The findings revealed that of the five English teachers, each had uniquely different viewpoints about teaching, teachers roles, students understanding, and materials. This study hopefully can provide some new insights for current and prospective English teachers about teachers perspectives, and thus add to the literature on this matter.


narrative, Indonesian, EFL, teachers, beliefs, teaching

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33508/bw.v12i1.5321

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