Substitusi Bekatul pada Tepung Tapioka untuk Pembuatan Flake: Kajian Terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Sensoris

Adrianus Rulianto Utomo, Erni Setijawati, Magdalena Puspita Dewi


Flake is made of tapioca flour as main ingredient. Substitution of tapioca flour with rice brand wouid to increase the nLrtrition value of the flake.
The objective crf the research was to study the physicochemical and sensoric properties of the product which consist of tapioca flour and rice bran such as; 100:0, 97:3, 94:6,91:9, 88:12, 85:15, respectively.
The research result shr:rws that water content and rehydration was Cecreased; while total crude fiber, hardness, trrown colour intensity and sensoric qualiry were increased, respectively aline with the increasing proportion of rice bran.

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flake; tapioca flour; sensory properties

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